Golf Stats Tracker

Golf Stats Tracker Round

The Golf Stats Tracker is a spreadsheet designed to help you get more out of your golf game. It helps improve your game and your fun by providing information on –

Last Updated: May 19, 2013 - Version History
Download: Golf Stats Tracker Spreadsheet
Documentation: View Screenshots, Getting Started and Detailed Reference
Requirements: Excel 2007 or newer. For older versions of Excel see the documentation.

If you are updating to the latest version of the Golf Stats Tracker, see the import macro page for information on how to copy your existing data over.

If you find a mistake or have any questions, comments, or suggestions please feel free to contact me.

If you wish to continue using the Golf Stats Tracker after trying it out, please consider paying for it. The full working version is provided for download on my website. I believe DRM and registering software only makes things more difficult for honest people. Remember that paying allows me time to work on improving the Golf Stats Tracker rather than spending time raising income other ways. There's currently no set price. Consider how much value you feel you get from it. Payment is accepted through PayPal, or in the digital currencies Bitcoin or Litecoin using the links below.

Official PayPal Seal

Bitcoin Payment Button


Bitcoin QR Code
Litecoin Payment Button


Litecoin QR Code

Don't have Excel? I offer to do data entry for payment and can provide the results in any suitable format. You can also pay to add specific new features to the spreadsheet. Please contact me if you are interested in these options.

Thank you for supporting this project.

Brian Zager

Future Enhancements

The following enhancements are on my list of things to do for this project if/when time permits.

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