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BrianZ's Golf Course Design Resource

Section 5: Fixing the Color

Now it's time to fix the color of those pixels on the edge of the object.

  1. Duplicate the Deleted Edge layer and call it Color Deleted.

You are again duplicating a layer, as in Section 4, so that if you have problems you don't lose your previous work. You now have three different layers with work on them that you can come back to and make changes later if needed.

You want to fix the color of that blue edge, but you don't want to affect the color of the rest of the object. To do that, you create another mask. This mask is used to select only the pixels you want to make an adjustment to. All pixels removed are open in the mask for the color adjustment while the pixels that remain are protected. Once again, use the Paint Bucket Tool to accomplish this.

  1. Hide all layers except the Color Deleted Layer and select the mask on this layer.
  2. Select the Paint Bucket Tool. Uncheck Anti-alias and Contiguous, and select All Layers.
  3. Set your foreground color to black.
  4. Set the tolerance level to 32.
  5. Zoom in and use your black and white backgrounds to help you spot all of the blue tinted pixels. The black background is especially useful for this.
  6. Click on a pixel in your image to erase that color in the entire image.
  7. If you lose too much of your object, undo the change and try going down in tolerance or selecting a slightly different color pixel.
  8. Repeat until you're satisfied that all pixels that need color adjustment are no longer visible.

Again, watch out for holes in the trunk or interior of your object and patch or undo them as shown in Section 4.

Now make a selection based off the mask and create an adjustment layer.

  1. Control click on the mask on the Color Deleted layer. This makes it a selection of all visible pixels.
  2. Inverse the selection by going to Select > Inverse. All invisible pixels are now selected.
  3. Hide the Color Deleted layer and make the Edge Deleted layer visible.
  4. Click on the image portion of the Edge Deleted layer.
  5. Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Curves. If you prefer, you may use levels instead.
  6. Name the new adjustment layer Color Mask Adjustment and click OK.
  7. Select from the different channels and make adjustments until the object looks good on both the black and white backgrounds. You'll need to click OK to change the background and zoom in or out. Just double click on the picture of the graph on the adjustment layer to continue making changes.

The blue sky blended with trees adjustment typically involves lowering the Blue and RGB channels and tweaking the green channel a little either way.

I did not see a need to change the green channel for this image. Here is what I used for the RGB and Blue channels:

Curves Adjustment

If you have more then one different color to fix then repeat this process, creating separate adjustment layers for each adjustment.

When you are finished it looks something like this:

Final Image in Photoshop

If you are having trouble you may want to see Section 7: Troubleshooting.

Now save a final version in PSD format so you can come back to the file with all the layers if needed. All of the layers are lost when saving for PGA 2000, so do not save another PSD version in the next section.

Next go to Section 6: Saving for PGA 2000.s

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